July Sales Mirror Ottawa’s Weather…HOT!
Here is a quick overview of the statistics for home sales in Ottawa in July 2020:
The Numbers:
Video Discussion on how to be a Buyer/Seller right now:
Ottawa Real Estate Board Commentary:
“With a market that is now characterized as hot, the question posed by clients, media and the public alike is, “when or where this will all end?” Since this is a newer phenomenon for the Ottawa market, which is typically very steady and predictable, we can look to other larger cities that have seen this type of sustained trajectory. As long as we have demand outpacing supply, this will continue,” Burgoyne emphasizes.
“Now that the market is on an upward trend, timing is critical. For those contemplating a move without the pressure of a purchase tied to it, it is an opportune time to realize a solid return on your investment. This market is challenging for all involved, and more balance would be a welcomed relief for everyone.”
Dan’s Commentary:
In the video above I go deeper in to the best way to sell in today’s market as well as how to be a successful buyer right now.
I’m happy to discuss the market and your options when convenient.