Detailed Ottawa Real Estate Stats January 2024
1 Sales / new listings * 100; compared to levels from previous periods.
2 Active listings at month end / monthly sales; compared to levels from previous periods.
3 Sale price / list price * 100; average for all homes sold in the current month.
4 The year-to-date active listings figure is a monthly average of the number of homes on the market at the end of each month so far this year.
5 Sum of sales from January to current month / sum of new listings from January to current month.
6 The year-to-date months of inventory figure is calculated as average active listings from January to current month / average sales from January to current month. 7 Sale price / list price * 100; average for all homes sold so far this year.
8 Sales to new listings ratio, months of inventory, sale to list price ratio, and days on market shown as levels; all others calculated as percentage changes.